November 4, 2013: In Ohio, a new bill would create incentive for citizens to challenge local government firearms ordinances by awarding successful challengers their attorneys’ fees and court costs, as well as $100 for every day the ordinance remains in effect after the challenge is filed.  The bill would also require that state courts rule in favor of the challenger if the local government ordinance is repealed.   Other provisions of the bill would cut the training requirements for a concealed handgun permit from 12 hours to 4 hours and eliminate the state’s existing requirement that a person retreat before using deadly force in self-defense.

Renzulli Law Firm is Monitoring Firearm-Related Legislative Developments 

Renzulli Law Firm, nationally recognized as one of the premier law firms in the country serving the Firearms Industry, is monitoring legislative developments affecting the industry and publishing regular updates which are available by e-mail and on this website.  Any questions you may have about these developments should be directed to John F. Renzulli or Christopher Renzulli.